traditional radiator on a wall

Types of heating

The heating system that adapts to the needs of your home

With the arrival of the coldest months of the year, many people wonder how they can heat their home, sustainably and by saving on their energy bills.

Responsible consumption is the key to achieving it and is fundamentally based on two aspects: energy efficiency and sustainability. Investing in measures that benefit the energy efficiency of your home has very positive effects, such as the improvement of the environment and the optimization of natural resources.

Currently, the different types of heating that we have at our disposal allow us to heat the home and heat water throughout the year, while they care for the environment and, therefore, the effects of climate change are minimized.


Types of energy used for heating

There are different types of energy-efficient, environmentally-friendly heating that also allow you to save on your energy bills. So you can choose the most suitable for your home, we will review the different systems, how they work, and their advantages.

butane cylinders


Gas heating, whether it is butane, propane, natural gas, or diesel, is a heating system that makes the most of the calorific value of the fuel gases that fuel them.

  • How does it work?

The gas heating system through radiators is based on a water circuit that goes from the boiler with a butane or propane cylinder to each one of the appliances. They heat the air of the room through a convection process, so the air rotates throughout the room.

  • Advantages

The calorific value of the gas, whether it is propane or natural, is higher than that of electricity, making it more energy efficient. Furthermore, it allows a greater accumulation of fuel without the need to change the cylinder. It is easy to use, very fast, and highly secure.

Differences between the types of gas

  • Difference between diesel and natural gas

Diesel is in a liquid state in a tank and needs a pump to absorb the fuel and inject it into the boiler, while natural gas is supplied in a gaseous state at a certain pressure.

For its part, bulk gas is a type of gas supply that involves the installation of an individual tank, recommended for medium and high consumption, without the user having to worry about changing the cylinders from time to time.

  • Difference between central heating and individual boiler

The main difference between central heating and individual boilers is that the individual one needs its own boiler, while central heating works through a larger boiler that provides heating for the entire community.

  • Difference between bioethanol boiler and bioethanol fireplace

On the one hand, bioethanol boilers are fueled by vegetable fuel composed mainly of cereals, sugar beet, sugar cane, or even potato, which is distilled to make alcohol that works as a fuel. Their installation is simple and fuel consumption very efficient. Unlike firewood ones, they do not require ventilation ducts or smoke vent.

On the other hand, bioethanol fireplaces burn the liquid fuel that comes from the tank, emitting a large amount of heat, so they are ideal both for inside and outside.

Electricity pylon


Electricity offers different options to heat the home, such as blue heat or green heat systems, which transform the electricity into heat by the Joule effect. This principle states that if electric current passes through a conductor, part of the kinetic energy of the electrons is transformed into heat, thus producing hot water and heating.

  • The electric blue heat heating system refers to radiators that work with a resistor that heats a fluid, and include a programmer and electronic thermostat. 
  • Those of green heat are electric radiant panels that are installed on the ceiling of the room and emit thermal energy by radiation. 

For the installation of these systems, it is recommended to study the characteristics of each home, as they could represent a high energy consumption.

house with aerothermal heating

Electricity + thermodynamics

Aerothermal and geothermal heating

Aerothermal and geothermal heating are two different systems although they have points in common: they use renewable energies and transform the energy through a heat pump. 

Aerothermal heating

On the one hand, aerothermal captures energy from the air through a heat pump that enables the house to be heated in winter, cooled in summer, and domestic hot water (DHW) to be obtained throughout the year.

  • How does it work?

 It works with a heat pump through which a refrigerant is moved that, through the passage of various components, manages to multiply its heat, for water and radiators.

  • Advantages

 It is a very comfortable heating system that doesn't need a fuel boiler, or a gas supply. It is fueled by renewable energy and is efficient and environmentally-friendly.

geothermal heating

Geothermal heating

On the other hand, the geothermal heat pump is a heating system that generates efficient and economical energy from the Sun's heat, from rain, and from the Earth’s interior. This technique can only be used in geographical areas that meet some characteristics, so they aren’t the most common.

  • How does it work?

The equipment necessary for its operation is installed underground and makes the most of the heat accumulated inside it to transport heat into a building or home.

  • Advantages

It is an energy that can be installed in any kind of building no matter its size. Thanks to its low CO2 emissions, it contributes to the environment and its maintenance is lower than that of other heating systems. Furthermore, since it is obtained through the Earth's natural heat, it is available throughout the year.

Types of home heating distribution systems

electric radiator

Electric radiators

The electric radiator is a widely used heating system. There are different types and powers (low consumption, with thermal fluid, low temperature, etc.) to adapt to the needs of each space and user.

  • How does it work?

Its operation is based on a convection process. The appliance emits heat and the hot air rises to the ceiling of the room, while the cold air descends and is heated again. In this way, the room is kept at an appropriate temperature.

  • Advantages

The technology of electric radiators allows you to adjust consumption, choose the temperature at any time, and even program it by hours for greater efficiency. There are currently low-consumption radiators that are more energy efficient.

traditional radiator

Traditional radiators

Traditional radiators work by circulating water at high temperatures.

They are very efficient systems, whose heat depends on the water temperature and size and material of the radiator (normally iron, aluminum, or steel).

  • How does it work?

A piping system connects the radiators to the boiler, which generates hot water. Through a pump, the water is pumped through the interior of the equipment, which heats up and emits heat.

  • Advantages

It is a low-noise, safe, efficient, and quite economical system, after installation in the home. One of the main advantages is that the heat is very durable, as the radiators retain heat even hours after the heating is turned off.

split heat pump

Split heat pump

Split heat pumps are a heating system with a simple, economical, and environmentally-friendly installation. They allow you to heat your home and get hot water, all in a single installation.

  • How does it work?

Its operation is based on thermodynamics. The energy is taken from a natural environment (air, water, or earth) and is transferred to the inside of a building to heat it. In other words, this system transports energy from one environment to another and converts it into heat.

  • Advantages

The split heat pump is one of the most sustainable types of heating, as it works with renewable energy and doesn't generate CO2 emissions. Thanks to its high efficiency, it saves energy and represents a lower cost for the consumer.

underfloor heating

Underfloor heating

Underfloor heating is a low-temperature emitter that operates through a network of pipes installed under the floor, through which hot water circulates.

One of the main advantages is that the pipes radiate heat evenly to the floor surface, so it is not lost in the upper part of the room.

  • How does it work?

Under the floor of the home, a water impulsion system is installed using very thin polyethylene pipes through which hot water circulates at 35 - 40ºC.

  • Advantages

Radiant heating distributes heat evenly, so it has a reduced consumption. Furthermore, it is a system with a long useful life and with low maintenance. Opting for this method contributes to reducing CO2 emissions and to protecting the environment.