Synthetic fuels: what they are and how they are produced 

The alternative to decarbonize mobility

We are producing carbon-neutral fuels using only renewable hydrogen and CO2 as raw materials. These fuels can be used in existing vehicles such as automobiles, trucks, and planes, among others. This is possible thanks to our CO2 capturing technology and the renewable energy that enables us to obtain hydrogen from water molecules.

What are synthetic fuels or e-fuels?

Synthetic fuels are created by combining hydrogen with carbon dioxide, as opposed to biofuels, which are derived from animal and vegetable waste. Unlike traditional biofuels, which are produced from crops such as sugar, corn, or wheat, biofuels are derived from agricultural or urban waste, without impacting the food chain. Chemically, synthetic fuels are similar to conventional gasoline and diesel, but are obtained differently.

How are synthetic fuels produced?

The system for producing synthetic biofuels is considered to be a crucial component to circular economy strategies as it contributes to the efficient use of resources and waste. 

To produce e-fuels, electricity from renewable sources is used, which separates the oxygen and hydrogen particles of water by means of electrolysis , giving rise to renewable hydrogen. Meanwhile, CO₂ is captured from the air or from an industrial facility. Lastly, at the synthetic fuel production plant, the renewable hydrogen and the CO₂ are used to produce net zero emissions synthetic fuels.

Infographic Bilbao synthetic fuels plant

What are the advantages of synthetic fuels?

Synthetic fuels offer a series of benefits that go beyond reducing the carbon footprint:

  • Efficient: They have physicochemical properties that are the same as fuels we already use, making them compatible with current combustion vehicles and allowing for existing infrastructure to be used.
  • Sustainable: Alternative and renewable raw materials are used to produce them.
  • Strategic: They contribute to the progressive decarbonization of transportation and aviation, among others. 
  • Innovative: The development of disruptive technologies and the production of e-fuels will place the refining industry at the forefront of low-emissions technologies that are key for CO2 capture, use, and storage, and technologies for producing renewable hydrogen.

Net Zero Emissions Commitment

Synthetic fuels represent a another step in our commitment to become a net zero emissions company by 2050, which highlights all of our experience in our pursuit of a zero emissions mobility future. This is due to the fact that these fuels boast properties on par with traditional fuels and have an unlimited production capacity.