Antonio Portela Esteve

Antonio Portela

Director of Polyolefins in Refining and Chemicals

  • Director of the Polyolefins Business Unit at the Chemicals and Refining Executive Division
  • Member of the Steering Committee at the Chemicals and Refining Executive Division

Antonio Portela is an Industrial Engineer having studied at the Universidad Politécnica in Madrid and École Centrale in Paris. He also studied the Program for Management Development (PMD) at IESE Business School in Navarra (Spain).

He joined the International Division of Repsol in 1992 and moved to the United Kingdom in 1994 to work in the Business Development and Commercial Area at Carless Refining-Repsol UK. He subsequently held several different positions in the Payment Methods and Loyalty Division which he then went on to manage in 2008.

He was also Director of Development and the Franchise Network of the Service Station Business Unit and the Lubricants, Asphalts, and Specialized Products Business Unit.

He was named Director of the Intermediate Products Business Unit for the Chemicals Executive Division in 2016. He oversees the marketing of propylene oxide derivatives (polyols and glycols) and styrene derivatives from Repsol's petrochemical complexes as well as the proprietary technology licenses for products from the business unit.

In 2024 he was named Director of the Polyolefins Business Unit at the Chemicals Executive Division. He oversees the marketing and development of the entire polyethylene and polypropylene range and their compounds from Repsol's three petrochemical complexes.

He is currently President of the Board of Transformadora de Etileno A.I.E.