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Repsol Perform - Rejuvenating Bitumens for Reuse
Special bitumens for recycling developed by Repsol are binders that are custom-designed for each case, providing the components that the bitumen in the mixture has lost due to ageing and restoring the original physical and chemical characteristics and properties.
Properties and applications
Social concern for environmental issues and the use of natural resources makes it increasingly critical and necessary to recycle pavement materials. Aware of the economic, social, and environmental benefits of recycling techniques, Repsol has developed a range of bitumens with rejuvenators to optimize current regeneration techniques for aged road layers. Our technical service carries out a prior study of the courses that will be recycled in order to formulate and manufacture an ad-hoc product.
Technical data sheet
Find out more about the Repsol PERFORM and Repsol EFI-PERFORM products.
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