LLM (Large Language Models)

Disruptive technologies in our daily lives

Have you ever used a chatbot on a website to solve a question? Or noticed how product recommendations in your favorite online store seem to match your tastes? These are examples of how LLMs are transforming our daily experience with disruptive technology.


What are LLMs (Large Language Models)?

LLMs (Large Language Models) are Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems designed to understand and generate human language. They use large volumes of data and advanced algorithms to provide solutions and create relevant content in a variety of applications, thanks to their natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning capabilities.

What are LLMs for?

LLMs can transform industries by improving efficiency, productivity, and creativity. Some of their most noteworthy applications are:

  • Customer service

Large Language Models provide quick and precise answers to queries from users. They solve technical problems, guide through complex procedures, and offer personalized assistance 24 hours a day.

  • Content creation 

They facilitate writing, summary of texts, and automatic translation. Media and marketing companies use them to generate high-quality content.

  • Training in companies

They simulate conversations and real-world situations, creating an interactive learning environment. They are useful for training in communication and problem solving skills, preparing teams for the professions of the future.

  • Research

They help researchers to find and summarize relevant information quickly. They carry out advanced searches and generate hypotheses based on existing data.

  • Customization

In e-commerce, entertainment, and education platforms, LLMs personalize the user's experience with recommendations based on their preferences and behaviors.

LLM-based platforms

Large Language Models are changing the way in which we interact with technology, driving a variety of platforms and tools that adapt to different needs.

Large Language Models are changing the way in which we interact with technology, driving a variety of platforms and tools that adapt to different needs.

  • What is ChatGPT? 

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a language model designed for conversational interaction. Able to answer questions, generate text, and assist in complex tasks, it is used in customer service, education, and generation of ideas.

  • What is Gemini? 

Gemini, created by Google DeepMind, is an AI platform that uses LLM to generate context, assist in technical tasks, and offer contextual responses to complex questions. Its adaptability makes it useful for professionals from various industries.

  • What is Copilot? 

Copilot is an AI tool that optimizes productivity in professional tasks. It acts as a smart assistant, suggesting next steps and solutions based on the context, and facilitating tasks such as the writing of reports and data analysis.

  • What is Alexa? 

Alexa, developed by Amazon, is a virtual assistant that uses LLM to interact with users through voice commands. As well as controlling smart devices, managing calendars, and playing music, it is integrated with apps and services to offer a versatile experience.

How do large language models work?

LLMs are powered by artificial neural networks, inspired by the human brain. These networks process and generate text by analyzing language patterns to replicate human language comprehension and production with high accuracy.

LLM training process

  1. Data collection
    Large volumes of text are collected from a variety of sources, including books, articles, websites, and other publications. This wide variety of data helps the model understand different language styles, cultural contexts, and subject matter. The quality and diversity of the data collected are critical to training a model that can generate accurate and contextually appropriate responses.
  2. Deep learning
    During this phase, complex neural networks are used to identify and learn language patterns, including grammar, the meaning of words in different contexts, and the relationships between concepts.
  3. Parameter setting
    With millions of internal variables, the model adjusts and optimizes these values to improve the accuracy and consistency of the generated text. As it receives feedback during training, it fine-tunes these parameters to minimize errors and improve prediction and text generation capability.

Advantages of language models in the energy industry

LLMs are revolutionizing several industries, including energy. Their ability to analyze and process large volumes of data with a high degree of accuracy and relevance is opening up new opportunities to improve business efficiency and competitiveness. Their main advantages are:

  1. Optimization of operations
    They analyze large volumes of data in real time to identify patterns and trends, improving operational efficiency. In the energy sector, they can anticipate maintenance needs, ensuring optimal equipment performance and minimizing downtime.
  2. Improvement in decision making
    Large Language Models facilitate the analysis of complex data and provide valuable information for making strategic decisions. They help organizations to adapt quickly to market changes and optimize their operations, thus improving their adaptability.
  3. Innovation and development of new products
    They process technical and scientific information to identify research and development opportunities. They accelerate product and process innovation, helping companies stay competitive.
  4. Improvement in communication and customer service
    LLM-powered virtual assistants and chatbots provide quick responses to common queries, increasing customer satisfaction and allowing employees to focus on more complex tasks.
  5. Regulatory compliance
    They monitor and analyze changes in regulations, helping corporations ensure that they continue to comply with all applicable regulations. In addition, they facilitate the identification of opportunities to improve processes and practices, supporting proactive and efficient compliance.

Repsol and LLMs

At Repsol, the adoption of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence is crucial for our digital transformation. Some of our key projects are:

IndesIA: driving the digital transformation

We are part of IndesIA, the first data economy and AI consortium in the industrial sector in Spain. Together with Gestamp, Navantia, Técnicas Reunidas, Telefónica, and Microsoft, we seek to promote the digitalization and optimization of processes, integrating more companies and sectors.

Commercialization of ARIA: innovation in big data

We have launched ARIA, our big data and AI cloud platform. Initially developed for internal use, it now helps other companies deploy and accelerate the use of big data and AI, demonstrating our capacity for innovation. 

Training in data and IA: collaborating with ISDI

Since 2020, we have been collaborating with the ISDI digital business school to offer training in data and AI. This program has trained more than 500 employees, advancing our digital transformation and advanced data management.

Implementation of Copilot: Generative IA for employees

With the introduction of Copilot, a generative AI tool, we have succeeded not only in optimizing the work of our employees, but also in increasing their productivity. During the pilot phase, Copilot facilitated tasks such as searches and document summaries, allowing them to manage their time more efficiently. In addition, this technology has freed up more than 2 hours of work per person per week, which they can dedicate to higher-value activities, boosting their overall performance.

Generative AI Competence Center: innovation in the energy sector

We have created the first Generative AI Competence Center in the European energy sector. This center explores and maximizes the potential of generative AI to drive our digital transformation and strengthen our position as an innovation leader within the energy industry.