Environmental label

Vehicles and their environmental impact

Have you ever noticed those colorful stickers that some cars display on their windshields? Spain's Directorate-General for Traffic (DGT), in an effort to reduce emissions and promote sustainable mobility, has implemented a system of environmental labels that classify vehicles according to their impact.


What is the DGT environmental label?

The DGT environmental label, also known as environmental badge, is a classification of vehicles depending on their energy efficiency and emissions. It is a sticker that must be placed in the bottom right corner of the vehicle's windshield.

What is the environmental badge for?

The DGT environmental badge has various functions and benefits:

  • Reduction of emissions. Cars with a more ecological environmental label can drive without restrictions, while other vehicles may have limitations or even be prohibited from driving in certain areas and times.
  • Access to Low-Emission Zones (LEZs). Low-Emission Zones are defined urban areas where restrictive driving measures are applied to certain vehicles, with the aim of improving air quality.
  • Traffic management. The environmental badge allows local authorities to manage urban traffic more efficiently, giving priority access to certain areas to vehicles with a lower environmental impact.
  • Parking policies. Some municipalities offer parking advantages for vehicles with a 0 and ECO environmental label, such as reduced rates or access to preferential parking zones.
  • Promotes sustainable mobility. The environmental label promotes the purchase and use of more efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles.
  • Citizen awareness. It promotes citizen awareness among drivers, by making visible the possible ecological impact of their vehicle.
  • Tax incentives and benefits. Some local and autonomous governments offer tax incentives, such as reductions in the road tax or registration tax rebates, for vehicles with 0 and ECO environmental label.

The search for solutions for a sustainable mobility is characterized by its diversity. Today, we have a wide range of alternatives that range from renewable fuels to renewable hydrogen, through gases such as Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) or autogas or electric mobility. All these forms of mobility are eligible to obtain an environmental badge awarded by the DGT.

Four types of environmental label

1. Zero-Emissions Sticker (blue)

For vehicles:

  • Battery electrics (BEV).
  • Range extended (REEV).
  • Plug-in hybrids (PHEV) with a minimum range of 40km.
  • Fuel cell.

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2. Eco sticker (green and blue)

For vehicles:

  • Plug-in hybrids with a range less than 40km.
  • Non plug-in hybrids (HEV).
  • Powered by natural gas and gas (CNG and LNG) or autogas (LPG).

Find your closest LNG or LPG gas station.

3. C sticker (green)

For vehicles:

  • Light gasoline passenger cars and vans registered from January 2006.
  • Diesel vehicles registered from September 2015.
  • More than eight-seaters (excluding the driver) and heavy-duty vehicles both gasoline and diesel, registered from 2014.

4. B sticker (yellow)

For vehicles:

  • Light gasoline passenger cars and vans registered from January 1, 2001, and diesel from 2006.
  • More than eight-seaters and heavy-duty vehicles both gasoline and diesel, registered from 2006.

Is it mandatory to place the environmental label?

dgt labels

Although the environmental label isn't mandatory throughout Spain, its use may be necessary in certain areas and specific situations. The requirement to place the DGT sticker depends on local regulations and traffic restrictions imposed in certain areas.

These regulations can vary significantly, which means that in some towns and cities the environmental label has become an essential requirement to be able to drive freely.

Examples of situations where the environmental badge may be beneficial or mandatory:

  1. Low-Emission Zones (LEZs). In cities such as Madrid and Barcelona, which have implemented LEZs, the environmental label is mandatory to be able to drive within these restricted perimeters.
  2. Episodes of atmospheric pollution. During periods with atmospheric pollution levels, some cities may activate temporary traffic restrictions based on the environmental badge. In these cases, only vehicles with the 0 and ECO labels will be able to circulate without restrictions.
  3. Local traffic policies. Some municipalities may have local regulations that require the placing of the DGT sticker to access certain benefits, such as preferential parking or reduced rates in public parking lots.
  4. Identification and control. Having the environmental badge on the windshield facilitates the work of the authorities in traffic control and management. In this way, the emission level of each vehicle can be quickly identified and the corresponding measures can be implemented.


How to get the DGT sticker

It costs 5 euros to obtain the DGT sticker, although this price may vary according to the seller and the shipping costs or other additional concepts.

After checking that the vehicle has the right to an environmental badge, the acquisition and purchase of the label can be done through:

  • Spanish Postal Service (Correos) offices.
  • Network of garages of the Spanish Confederation of Automotive Repair Workshops and Related Industries (CETRAA) and other authorized garage networks.
  • Administrative managers.
  • Spanish Institute for Automotive Studies (IDEAUTO).
  • Authorized tobacco stores (Spanish Tobacco and State stamp vending).
  • In the case of fleets, through the association Ganvam.