VT with most opportunities

Creating successful futures

In Spain, the number of students enrolled in Vocational Training (VT) has experienced a significant increase in the last few years, reaching the historic figure of over 1,132,000 students in 2024, according to data from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MEFP). 


What is VT (Vocational Training)?

Vocational Training is a type of education that prepares you for a specific job. It is characterized by its practical approach and is oriented towards employability, combining theoretical training with training practices in companies.

And what is Dual VT?

Dual Vocational Training (Dual VT) is a form of VT that combines training in the academic setting with learning in a company. This means that the student alternates training hours in the classroom with periods in the company, where they put the knowledge acquired into practice.

The aim of dual training is to improve the employability of students, as it allows them to gain experience in a real working environment from the start. This form of VT contributes to improving the quality of training, as the content is adapted to the needs of organizations. In fact, the practical part represents a minimum of 33% of the educational program and in many cases students obtain a financial reward.

Types of VT

In Spain, Vocational Training is structured into 3 levels, each one with its own characteristics and areas of specialization:

Basic Vocational Training (BVT)

  • Communication and social sciences: customer service; office clerical; retail assistant.
  • Applied sciences: basic electricity; basic IT; assembly and maintenance of electrical and electronic systems.
  • Professional: hairdressing and beautician; restoration services; carpentry and furniture; gardening and floristry.

Intermediate vocational training (IVT)

  • Electricity and electronics: electrical and home automation installations; electromechanical maintenance; and telecommunications.
  • IT and communications: development of web and mobile applications; network and telecommunication systems; administration of networked computer systems.
  • Administration and commerce: business administration; business management; marketing and advertising.
  • Health: auxiliary nursing care; pharmacy and parapharmacy; optical and eye care.
  • Hospitality and tourism: cooking and gastronomy; pastry and confectionery; management of tourist accommodation.
  • Extractive industries: electricity; automation; mechanics.
  • Building and civil works: carpentry and furniture; building installations; construction site management.
  • Image and sound: sound and image; audiovisual productions; graphic design.
  • Socio-cultural and community services: care for people with disabilities; early childhood education; social integration.
  • Transport and logistics: driving of heavy-duty vehicles; maritime transport; logistics management.
  • Agriculture: agricultural production; gardening and landscaping; forestry and environmental management.

Advanced Vocational Training (AVT)

  • Electricity and electronics: management of electrical installations; industrial automation; renewable energies.
  • IT and communications: development of advanced web and mobile applications; administration of networked computer systems and computer security; telecommunications networks and systems.
  • Administration and commerce: business administration and finance; business management and marketing; logistics and transport.
  • Health: nursing; dental prosthetics; diagnostic and therapeutic imaging.
  • Hospitality and tourism: kitchen management; management of tourist accommodation; marketing and tourist events. 
  • Extractive industries: electricity; automation; mechanics.
  • Building and civil works: building; building projects; building management.
  • Image and sound: audiovisual projects; audiovisual post-production; graphic design.
  • Socio-cultural and community services: social integration; social education; management of socio-cultural services.
  • Transport and logistics: maritime transport; logistics management and transport; land transport.
  • Agriculture: agribusiness management; animal health; plant production.

10 VT with most job opportunities

The degrees with the highest VT employability, according to the Observatory of Occupations of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) are:

  1. Software development: they are in charge of creating, maintaining, and updating the web, mobile, and software applications we use on a daily basis.
  2. Early Childhood Education: they offer education and care for children in the most important stage of their development, preparing new generations for the future.
  3. Data analysis: they dominate tools to extract valuable information from large data sets, helping companies to make better decisions.
  4. Auxiliary nursing care (ANC): they offer care and support to patients in hospitals, clinics, and health centers, being fundamental pieces in the health system.
  5. Cybersecurity: they protect companies and users from cyberattacks, malware, and other digital threats in an increasingly interconnected world.
  6. Industrial chemistry: they optimize and design production processes, analyze materials, and control quality in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, food, and cosmetics.
  7. Renewable energies: the transition towards a sustainable future requires professionals in photovoltaic solar energy, biomass and biogas, geothermal energy, and other fields related to renewable energies.
  8. Energy efficiency and solar thermal: These experts are essential to optimize energy consumption and reduce Greenhouse Gas (GhG) emissions.
  9. Administration and finance: they allow organizations to analyze their financial and accounting performance, implement environmental management systems, and seek funding linked to sustainable objectives.
  10. Robotics: they design, program, and maintain robots that automate repetitive tasks, optimizing processes, reducing energy consumption, and improving occupational safety.


Dual VT at Repsol

We believe in the value of Dual Vocational Training to prepare the next generation of professionals for the challenges of the future. For more than 10 years, we have been collaborating with schools for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) degrees for more than 200 students each year. According to the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), two-thirds of the new jobs to be created in 2025 will be for VT students.

A training model with high labor market insertion rate

At Repsol, we are committed to Dual VT as a benchmark training model. We actively collaborate with the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and with schools to offer students the chance to do paid training internships in our facilities throughout Spain.

In this way, students gain experience in real environments, familiarize themselves with the latest technologies and processes in the energy sector, and develop the skills and competencies most demanded by companies.

Dual VT is key in our talent strategy

We firmly believe in the potential of this training model to promote the employability of young people and contribute to the energy transition. We have been recognized with several awards, such as the "Best practice with students during lockdown during Covid19" by the Bertelsmann Foundation and the V Alliance for Dual VT Award in the Large Company category.

We look for profiles for the future of energy

The energy industry is constantly evolving and demands professionals qualified and prepared to face the challenges of the future. At Repsol, we look for profiles in areas such as robotics, electronic maintenance, cybersecurity, energy efficiency, industrial chemistry, and administration and finance.

Around 200 students participate in our dual VT programs each year, and around 50% of them sign up to the employment agency at the end of their studies. This figure is a clear indicator of the success of this training model and the professional opportunities it offers.